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Ephesians (W7D3) Serving Others

Wednesday: Serving Others

PRAY: Ask God to speak to you from His Word.

READ: Ephesians 4:11-13

11 So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

UNDERSTAND: get a deeper understanding of the key words

  • Apostles (Greek: apostolos): messenger sent forth with orders

  • This term specifically applies to the twelve apostles of the first century.

  • Because there is no indication that there were any apostles after Paul, we believe this gift is no longer in existence. There are no modern-day apostles.

  • Prophets (Greek: prophētēs): one moved by the Spirit to speak

  • In the first century this gift could include the telling of future events. However, this gift was only for that reason. Telling the future was not the primary role.

  • Today, this gift is seen more as a person that encourages, teaches, comforts, and stimulates people toward the truth. It should not be used to predict the future or call others out publically. Love, care, and discernment is the goal.

  • Evangelists (Greek: euaggelistēs): the bringer of good news, herald of the gospel

  • Pastors (Greek: poimēn) and Teachers (Greek: didaskalos): Pastors and teachers are mentioned together for a reason. A pastor’s role is leadership and teaching. They are called to lead the church to do the work of ministry and teach them the Word.

  • Equip (Greek: katartismos): completely furnish the teaching that is needed

  • Works of Service (Greek: ergon diakonia): executing the tasks of service to others

  • Mature (Greek: teleios): full grown, not lacking of integrity and virtue

APPLY: What is this passage calling me to do?

Paul is teaching in this passage that the leaders of the church must lead and equip the people to do the work of ministry. When the leaders lead and teach effectively, the church is built up in unity and maturity. The result is a church that draws people to Christ.

Do you come to church to serve or be served? Why is that question important?

How are you using your gifts and skills to do the work of ministry?

In what ways could your leaders help you be more equipped?

PRAY: Ask God to help you find more opportunities to serve Him.

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